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Artigas Teixidor, Primitiu
Torroella de Montgrí 1846 - Madrid 1910
Forest Engineer.

Artigas i Teixidor finished his studies in 1870 and started his work in various different forested areas and in the Forest Engineering School, where he was appointed professor. Later in life he was appointed to the Forest Advisory Board, the highest governing body of forestry. Artigas i Teixidor is considered a pioneer in the development of treaties on Mediterranean silviculture, and specifically his treaty on cork and the cork industry which has been used by countless students and other people interested in the topic.

Castellarnau Lleopart, Joaquim Maria de
Tarragona 1848 - Segovia 1943
Forest Engineer.

He undertook various studies of the cells of different types of wood and established new analytical procedures to determine a species through studying its wood. He published various studies on the topic which were considered innovative writings in the area of vegetal histology, something for which he was recognised by the Nobel prize winner Ramón y Cajal.

Puig Valls, Rafael
Tarragona 1845 - 1920
Forest Engineer.

Public awareness of the importance of forests in land preservation hugely increased thanks to his efforts, which he did by writing a number of articles, most importantly, an article published in La Vanguardia in 1898 (‘Patriotism and the Tree’). A year later, the first festival of the tree in Barcelona was celebrated in 1899 thanks to his initiative, then consolidated by royal decree in 1915 when it Arbour Day was established as a compulsory celebration in Spain.

Vidal Soler, Sebastià
Barcelona 1842 - Manila 1889
Forest Engineer.

After finishing his studies in 1865 he travelled to the Philippines to work as a forest inspector. In 1871 and 1876 he created the Commission of Flora and Forestry Statistics, of which he was named the head whilst also working as the director of the Botanic Gardens of Manila (1878-1889). He was an eminent botanist and wrote various pieces of work about the flora of the Philippineswhich contrasted with collections around the rest of the world.

Vives Comallonga, Josep Lluís
Figueres 1897 - Barcelona 1995
Forest Engineer.

He joined at the faculty in 1934 and worked in the service of the Republican government between 1931 and 1939 as the head of the Girona Forestry Services Office, and as professor of silviculture and topography illustrator at the Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering. Living through the Spanish civil war he was appointed to the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Pyrenees Hydrographic Confederation in 1958.