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We've found a total of 144 results. We're showing you in this page from 41 to 50 of 144.
Dou Mas de Xexàs, Albert
Olot 1915 - Sant Cugat del Vallès 2009

Albert Dou was a scientist who knew how to expand the horizons of Catalan mathematics through his research and work as a professor at the university. His career was full of achievements and positions of responsibility which he carried out mostly in Madrid, where he moved to at the age of sixteen to study at the School of Civil Engineering.         

Duran i Reynalds, Francesc Portada Galeria Cientifics Catalans
Duran Reynals, Francesc
Barcelona 1899 - New Haven (USA) 1958
Doctor, Researcher.

He got his Ph.D. degree in Barcelona in 1925 and became disciple of August Pi Sunyer. He did some practical research in the Institut de Fisiologia and in the Laboratori Municipal del Parc, directed by Ramon Turró. He was a member of the Societat Catalana de Biologia and also a member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans.

Egozcue Cuixart, Josep
Barcelona 1940 - Barcelona 2006
Doctor, Geneticist.

Professor of Cell Biology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He was a member of the Biological Sciences Section and the Catalonian Society of Biology of the Institute of Catalonian Studies (IEC).

Español Coll, Francesc
Valls 1907 - Barcelona 1999
Pharmacist, Zoologist.

He finished his pharmacy studies in 1932 at the University of Barcelona. He was the president of entomology section at the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Catalunya (1932-1935) and of the Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona (1935-1939). He was also a technician of the Institut Municipal de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona and of the Museu de Zoologia (1941-1966), where he became director in 1966 until 1967.

Estalella Graells, Josep
Vilafranca del Penedès 1879 - Barcelona 1938
Chemist, Physicist.

He got his Ph.D. degree at the University of Barcelona, where he was a teacher from 1899 to 1905. In 1905 he won the professorship of physics and chemistry at the Institut de Girona and in 1919 he became director of physics and chemistry at the Instituto-Escuela de Madrid.

Isabel Esteve Martínez
Esteve Martínez, Isabel
Barcelona - Barcelona
Biologist, Microbiologist.

Dr. Isabel Esteve Martínez, was Professor of Microbiology since 1992 at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). She was a professor in the Microbiology Unit of the Department of Genetics and Microbiology from 1977 to 2017, and later an honorary professor until August 2019. She held various positions, such as coordinator of the Microbiology Unit at the UAB Campus and director of the Department. She was born in Barcelona on June 15, 1947. Graduated in…

Esteve Subirana, Antoni
Manresa 1902 - Barcelona 1979

In 1929 he took care of the pharmacy established by his family in Manresa in 1787.

Fargas Roca, Miquel Àngel
Castellterçol, Vallès Oriental 1858 - Barcelona 1916
Doctor, Gynecologist, Politician.

He studied in Barcelona together with Bartolomeu Robert and Jaume Pi. He specialised in gynaecology and in 1893 he became Professor of gynaecology at the faculty of medicine.

Farreras Valenti, Pere
Barcelona 1916 - Barcelona 1968
Doctor, Professor.

He studied in Barcelona, Jena and Zurich. He collaborated with doctor Pedro i Pons in the writing of Patalogía y clínica médica (1951). .

Faura Sans, Marià
Barcelona 1883 - Barcelona 1941
Geologist, Paleontologist, Priest.

Priest (1908). He was disciple of Font i Sagué, Almera and Bofill i Poch; actualising their works. He studied different shellfish, specially from the Palaeozoic age.