Home » Scientists » Fargas Roca, Miquel Àngel

Fargas Roca, Miquel Àngel

Castellterçol, Vallès Oriental 1858 - Barcelona 1916. Doctor, Gynecologist, Politician

He studied in Barcelona together with Bartolomeu Robert and Jaume Pi. He specialised in gynaecology and in 1893 he became Professor of gynaecology at the faculty of medicine.

He introduced the gynaecological surgery in Spain. He was the president of the Academia y Laboratorio de Ciencias Médicas (1897-1898 and 1902-1904), of the Academia de Medicina (1914), of the science section at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (1911-1916), and also he was the president of the Primer Congrés de Metges de Llengua Catalana.

Main works

  • Tratado de ginecología (1903-06)

Image gallery

Fargas Roca, Miquel Àngel Fargas Roca, Miquel Àngel Fargas Roca, Miquel Àngel Fargas Roca, Miquel Àngel Portrait of Miquel Àngel Fargas Roca made by Ramon Casas i Carbó - Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC).