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Farreras Valenti, Pere

Barcelona 1916 - Barcelona 1968. Doctor, Professor

He studied in Barcelona, Jena and Zurich. He collaborated with doctor Pedro i Pons in the writing of Patalogía y clínica médica (1951). .

He published Manual de Medicina interna which consisted of two volumes and was based in the Domarus' book from 1929. He was Professor of internal medicine in Barcelona (1959-1960) and of pathology and clinic medicine in Salamanca (1960-1964). He came back to Barcelona where he funded and directed the Escuela de Hematologia at the Universitat de Barcelona. He presided several scientific associations and was a member of the Academia de Medicina de Barcelona among other foreigner institutions.

Main works

  • Medicina interna


  • Patología y clínica médica (1951)

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Farreras Valenti, Pere