Urban engineer. He started his studies of Latin and Philosophy in Vic, and then he studied Mathematics and Architecture in Barcelona. In 1836 he moved to Madrid, where he joined the school of engineers and got his title in 1841.
Professor of calculus in the engineer school of Barcelona since 1891. In 1909 he became Professor of mathematics. In some of his works he tried to find a relation between mathematics and music.
He was a member of the Institucio Catalana d’Història Natural, where he became its secretary from 1904 to 1905 and its director in 1951. He was also the director of CAMPSA in 1931 in the republic region during the Spanish Civil War.
He studied in the Junta de Comercio and he was one of the members of the first industrial engineers promotion.
He studied in Charlottenburg (Berlin), Barcelona and Madrid. He got his Ph.D. degree in physics and he was teacher at the universities of Zaragoza, Barcelona and Madrid. He specialised in physics-mathematics sciences and published several essays about these matters including “Emisión de radiaciones por cuerpos fijos o en movimiento”, read in the Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona in 1909. He published some works in “Revista de la Academia de Ciencias”, Madrid, and in the bulletin of Institut de Ciències de Barcelona.
Mine engineer and geologist. He worked in the mines of Linares (Andalucía) and Almadén (Castilla la Nueva). In 1881 he was the engineer boss of the mines from Girona and in 1883 he was the director of the mine section at the Societat del Ferrocarril i Mines de Sant Joan de les Abadesses.