He became an adult during the Spanish Civil War and in the difficult post-war period and therefore the milestones he achieved were not easy. Dr. Ramón Parés has had a long career in the field of science and its teaching, the study of its history, scientific research, and its application and promotion.
In development. Sorry for the disturbances.
Geneticist and professor of genetics at the University of Barcelona. Antoni Prevosti wanted to dedicate himself to genetics even before it was a subject at university. With the perseverance he always defended to be a good scientist, Prevosti reached his goal of becoming a researcher and an active teacher until the end of his life, as retired Professor Emeritus of genetics at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona (UB).
He studied biology in Austria and Germany. In 1910 he founded the Laboratori Biològic de l’Ebre in Tortosa and in 1916 he was one of the founders of the Institut Químic de Sarrià.