Home » Scientists » Patxot Jubert, Rafael

Patxot Jubert, Rafael

Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Baix Empordà 1872 - Ginebra 1964. Bibliophile, Meteorologist, Patron, Writer
Man of great temperament, he devoted himself to the patronage of the Catalan culture, mainly during the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera that culminated in the Institution Patxot.
Son of a cork industrial family, he was educated in England. In 1926 he built in his native town an astronomical observatory and, with a double equatorial refractor, he began micrometer works of multiple stars. Soon the meteorological section of the observatory surpassed the astronomical one. When moving to Barcelona, he distributed the instruments of his observatory between Montserrat and the Astronomical Society. Related to “l’Avenç” group, he collaborated in the “Col·lecció Popular l’Avenç” with translations of Camille Flammarion, Xavier de Maistre, Lord Avebury and an anthology of north-American prose writers. He created foundations, prizes and scholarships to foment the Catalan culture in diverse fields. He was in charge of the edition of the International Atlas of Clouds, code that should direct the observations from all over the world, which appeared in French, English, German and Catalan. In 1936, pursued, he had to exile to Switzerland.

Main works

  • Meteorologia catalana. Observacions de Sant Feliu de Guíxols (1896-1905).
  • Pluviometria catalana. Resultats del quinquenni 1906-1910.
  • Lettre aux membres de l’Organisation Météorologique Internationale et aux Météorologues en général (1948).
  • Adéu a Catalunya. Guaitant enrera. Fulls de la vida d’un octogenari (1952).

Image gallery

Patxot Jubert, Rafael Patxot Jubert, Rafael Patxot i Jubert, Rafael Patxot Jubert, Rafael Patxot Jubert, Rafael Rafael Patxot i Jubert and Pau Casals Rafael Patxot i Jubert and Pau Casals Patxot i Jubert, Rafael Patxot Jubert, Rafael