He was Professor of natural history in the University of Barcelona (1900) where he had problems due to his evolutionist ideas. In 1907, he founded and directed the Laboratorio de Biología Marina de las Baleares, in Mallorca, and the Instituto Español de Oceanografia. In 1939 he was exiled to Mexico.
He founded and presided (1840) the Museo de Historia Natural de Perpignon.
Entrepreneur and founder of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden in Blanes. Born in Hadamar, a small town near Frankfurt am Main, and now part of the city’s conurbation, he showed an interest in botany from an early age. With only eleven years, he already gathered his first plant collections around his hometown.
Doctor in Natural Sciences, he was Professor at the Institut de Palma de Mallorca (1900-13) and at the University of Barcelona (1913-41).
He was a member of the Institucio Catalana d’Història Natural, where he became its secretary from 1904 to 1905 and its director in 1951. He was also the director of CAMPSA in 1931 in the republic region during the Spanish Civil War.
Professor of animal and plant histology at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona. He was a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona (1982) and the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia (1983). Among his contributions to Catalan science, the promotion of electron microscopy and the creation of the Scientific-Technical Services of the University of Barcelona, are noteworthy.