In 1918 he finished his studies on Natural Science in the University of Barcelona, and in 1930, he got his graduation on Medicine and Surgery. He obtained his Ph.D. in the University of Madrid in 1922.
He was teacher of Zoology in the Escuela Superior de Agricultura de Barcelona (Superior School of Agriculture) and later, in the University of Barcelona. In 1942 he got the professorship of Zoology of the Arthropoda in the same University, and he also taught Zoology of the Chordata and Marine Biology.
In 1943, the CSIC named him as director of the Instituto de Biologia Aplicada (Applied Biology Institute) of Barcelona, where he made a great task of creation, development and evolution of its different Sections, and he also founded the journal "Publicaciones del Instituto de Biología Aplicada". In 1951 he was named as the director of the Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras, created in that year. From this charge, he founded de Coastal Laboratories of Blanes, Vinaroz, Castellon, Vigo and Cadiz, and he managed to build the Laboratory and Aquarium of the Barceloneta (Barcelona).
In 1952 became a member of the Reial Academia de Ciencies i Arts de Barcelona and, in 1964, he received the Gran Cruz de la Orden de Alfonso X el Sabio, for his work and his merits.
Main works
- Insectos bibliófagos de las Bibliotecas de Cataluña
- Nuestras relaciones con los insectos
- El ataque de los comegenes
- Nociones de Ostricultura
- Introducción al estudio de la Zoología