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Pau Espanyol, Carles

Sogorb, Alt Palància 1857 - Sogorb, Alt Palància 1937. Botanist

He studied in Barcelona and Madrid. He got his Ph.D. degree in pharmacy. He was interested in the plant taxonomy and his work is showed in a plant book where he described a lot of new plant species from Spain, Morocco and Mauritania. He had a constant and good relation with a lot of Catalan botanists. He was the director of the journal called "Cavallinesia".

Main works

  • Consideraciones sobre algunas curiosas plantas recogidas en Cataluña… (1896)
  • Relación de plantas ibicenses (1900)
  • Relación de plantas menorquinas (1901)
  • Hieracios catalanes (1918)
  • Una visita botànica a Mallorca (1934)

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Pau Espanyol, Carles