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Margalef López, Ramon

Barcelona 1919 - Barcelona 2004. Ecologist

Ramon Margalef was emeritus professor of Ecology at the Biology College of the University of Barcelona. Unfortunately, last May 23rd 2004 Ramon Margalef left us and, behind him, he left a enormous scientific and human legacy.

Ramon Margalef, unquestionablely one of the most important scientists that our country has given, had worked in the Institute of Applied Biology (1946-1951), and in the Fisheries Research Institute, which he directed during 1966-1967. He created the Department of Ecology of the University of Barcelona, from where he formed a huge number of ecologists, limnologists and oceanographs. In 1967, he became Spain’s first professor of ecology. Some of his most important works include the aplication of Information Theory to the ecological studies and the creation of mathematical models for the study of the populations. Between his books, we must citate: Natural Comunities (1962), Perspectives In Ecological Theory (1968), Ecology (1974), The Biosphere (1980), Limnology (1983) and Theory of the ecological systems (1991). He has received many scientific awards, like the first edition of the Huntsman Award (the «Nobel» in oceanography), the Naumann-Thienemann of Limnology, the Ramón y Cajal Award, and the Golden Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government).

The same year of his death, in 2004, the Generalitat de Catalunya, chaired by the very honorable Pasqual Maragall, convened the RAMON MARGALEF ECOLOGY AWARD, annually and internationally.

Main works

  • Comunitats Naturals (1962)
  • Perspectives en teoria ecològica (1968)
  • Ecologia (1974)
  • La Biosfera (1980)
  • Limnologia (1983)
  • Teoria dels sistemes ecològics (1991)

For more information

  • Ramon Margalef i Guillem Colom: diàleg epistolar entre dos savis, mestres i pioners de la ciència. Guillem Mateu. Universitat de les Illes Balears (2009)

Image gallery

Margalef López, Ramon Margalef López, Ramon Margalef López, Ramon Margalef López, Ramon Ramon Margalef at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona (UB) Ramon Margalef at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona (UB) Ramon Margalef at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona (UB) Ramon Margalef at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona (UB) Ramon Margalef at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona (UB) Ramon Margalef and his wife Maria Mir in the Mas Badó rural house (Sant Quirze Safaja, 1991) Ramon Margalef and his wife Maria Mir in the Mas Badó rural house (Sant Quirze Safaja, 1991) Ramon Margalef and his wife Maria Mir in the Mas Badó rural house (Sant Quirze Safaja, 1991) Ramon Margalef and his wife Maria Mir in the Mas Badó rural house (Sant Quirze Safaja, 1991) Act of investiture Doctor Honoris Causa to Ramon Margalef i López. University of Alicante, 18 May 1999. Act of investiture Doctor Honoris Causa to Ramon Margalef i López. University of Alicante, 18 May 1999. Godfather Antoni Escarré Esteve. Ramon Margalef with teachers Mercè Durfort and Joaquim Gosálbez. Act of investiture Doctor Honoris Causa to Ramon Margalef i López. University of Alicante, 18 May 1999. Act of investiture Doctor Honoris Causa to Ramon Margalef i López. University of Alicante, 18 May 1999. Godfather (on the right of the image) Antoni Escarré Esteve. Act of investiture Doctor Honoris Causa to Ramon Margalef i López. University of Alicante, 18 May 1999. Godfather Antoni Escarré Esteve. Margalef with Jaume Terradas studying The Hon. and Mgfc. MR. rector of the University of Barcelona Joan Tugores at the time of the 
baptism of the main building of the Faculty of Biology with the name of Ramon Margalef (2005). The Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona has named MARGALEF to one of its buildings. Ten years after the death of Prof. Margalef paid tribute to him at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona. At the table the academics: Carles Bas, Mercè Durfort, and Marta Estrada.