Home » Scientists » Crusafont Pairó, Miquel

Crusafont Pairó, Miquel

Sabadell 1910 - Sabadell 1983. Paleontologist

In 1933 he finished his pharmacy studies and in 1955 he got his Ph.D. degree in natural science. He was Professor of paleontology in the universities of Oviedo and Barcelona (1961). He founded the Institut de Paleontologia de Sabadell. As he was very interested in the evolution, he studied mammal fossils and different Catalan deposits. He was a member of the Comité Teilhard de Chardin and made some studies about the evolutionist theory of Pierre Teihard de Chardin introducing this theory in Spain (look at main works). He was named a member of the Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona in 1964.

Main works

  • Los jiráfidos fósiles de España (1952)
  • A Biometric Study of Evolution on Fissiped Carnivores (1956)
  • Concepciones cosmovitalistas del evolucionismo (1948)
  • L'evolució, avui (1953)
  • Evolución y ascensión (1960)


  • AA.VV. (1984). 'Un sabadellenc universal: Miquel Crusafont Pairó'. Quadern de les Arts i de les Lletres de Sabadell (Sabadell). Monogràfic, núm.38

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Crusafont Pairó, Miquel Crusafont Pairó, Miquel Crusafont Pairó, Miquel Crusafont Pairó, Miquel Crusafont Pairó, Miquel Crusafont Pairó, Miquel Crusafont Pairó, Miquel AA.VV. (1984). 'Un sabadellenc universal: Miquel Crusafont Pairó'. Quadern de les Arts i de les Lletres de Sabadell (Sabadell). Monogràfic, núm.38