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Agell Torrents, Joan

Sanaüja, Segarra 1809 - Barcelona 1968. Physicist

He was Professor of theoretical mechanics (1835) and experimental physics (1841) at the Institut de Barcelona. He was also Professor of Chemistry (1845) at the Faculty of Science at the Universitat de Barcelona.

In 1846 he got his Ph.D. degree in science and he was the director of the Escola Industrial. In 1863 he was the rector at the Universitat de Barcelona. In 1845, he showed to the Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona, where he was a member, the telegraph that he invented and it was possible to send 40 clear letters each minute. He improved his telegraph in 1850. Besides the telegraph, he did some research in electricity and thermology that were published in the academy Journal. He was an honorary member of the Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid.

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Agell Torrents, Joan Drawing of Joan Agell i Torrents.
La Ilustración, No. 451 (3-6-1889).