Biochemist. Graduated in Chemistry by the University of Barcelona (1947), he doctored in biochemistry at the Baylor College of Medicine of Houston (EUA) on 1956, where he studied the metabolism of the formic acid in the animal tissues, investigations that became the key to study the origin of life and the interpretation of the absence of life in Mart.
In 1955 he enrolled Houston University, where he was professor since 1963. There he founded and directed the Biochemistry and Biophysics Department. He developed important studies about the organic compounds existing in terrestrial sediments, meteorite and moon samples. He participated since 1963 in several spatial research projects of the NASA, like Apollo and Viking. He was also member of the Space Commission of the National Academy of Sciences, adviser of the USA Government on the spatial exploring projects until 2015.
He came back to Catalonia in 1980, where he was depute at the Catalan Parliament (1980-1981) and scientific adviser of the president of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Highlighted cultural promotor, he was responsible for the creation of several institutions and asociations in Catalonia, like the Fundamental Biology Institute in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1971), the Biofisics and Neurobiology Institut "Flor de Maig" (1975), the Advanced Studies Centre of Blanes (1974), the Fundació Agrícola Catalana (1980), the Friends Association of Gaspar de Portolà (1980), the Interdepartamental Comission for Investigation and technological Innovation (CIRIT), the Program of Catalan studies Gaspar de Portolà in Berkeley, California (1987), and the Catalan Foundation for Investigation (1987). He was also cofoundator of the Institute of Ilerdenses Studies (1940), of the Institut of Hispanic Culture (Houston, 1965) and creator of Joan Oró Foundation to impell the cientific and technic investigation to serve people and society.
Within other aknogledgements, Joan Oró was invested Doctor Honoris Causa by University of Granada (1972), Houston (1998) and Lleida (1999), and rewarded with the Narcís Monturiol Medal to technologic and scientific excellence (Barcelona, 1982), the Cross of the Civil Order of Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid, 1983), the Alexander Ivanovich Oparin Medal Award by ISSOL (Berkeley, 1986), the Cross of Sant Jordi (1991), the Gold Medal of the Catalan Foundation for Research (1996), the Francesc Macià President’s Medal (2000) and the Gold Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2004).